Issue Details#572 Give up with the database connection on fail

  • Priority: Normal
  • Number: 572
  • Type: Modification
  • Status: New
  • Age: 15 Days


Just testing out prism as possible replacement for LogBlock. Database server had a problem. Prism lost connection. Then went on to spam log files. Can it at least give up after a few tries, or place some periodic warning via console that it's not active and request action be taken?


kroy April 9, 2020 9:30 AM

Issue reported.

botsko Gravatar

botsko April 9, 2020 2:51 PM

Which version are you using?

kroy April 10, 2020 7:37 PM

2020-04-09 22:56:13 [INFO] [Prism] Enabling Prism v1.5.8.1 2020-04-09 22:56:13 [INFO] [Prism]: Initializing Prism By Viveleroi.

I've noticed if it happens once it's loaded, there's a problem. If it happens while it's loading on reset, it doesn't create the same problem. And yes, we were having troubles with our database, which has been fixed for now, but I thought I deleted the 140meg log file it generated that I should probably report it to give a chance to see what was what.

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